team composition

Our team was initiated by Jen and Dave Capozzi from Hanover, MA and has slowly grown in number and spirit. Team members will unite on Monday, March 7th from the south shore in Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire, and southern Vermont to travel to Port au Prince, Haiti. We will live at the Kingdom Kids Orphanage from March 7th - 15th, 2011. Thank you for your prayer as we open our hearts to what God has planned for us.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Tomorrow we board our flight back to New England and back to life with better air quality, less congestion, cooler temps, no mosquitoes, clean water available and free, and fewer hand sanitizer moments required. Sadly, we will miss the children, the smiles, laughs, and tickles, the singing and thankfulness for life's little blessings and the joy in the presence of unknown disparity. I'm reminded for the 8th time that life's simple joys of playing with a kite made from a plastic bag or with a car made from a soda bottle can bring equal or greater pleasure and that we all have much to be thankful for - especially clean water, nutritious food, and clothes on our backs. As we close out our journey to live with, eat with, work with, and love the people of Haiti, each of us hopes to continue our newly inspired spirits of simplicity, joy with the laughter of children vs tv/video games/etc., and thankfulness for God's grace. Thank you all for your wonderful thoughts, messages of hope, and prayer as we traveled through the country and embraced opportunities for fellowship, work, and education. May we all continue to live simply and love greatly.

With love and thankfulness, Amy Garland

Tent city near the airport

Metal work tour and support for Haitian economy :)

Tent city in the countryside

Beach babes

Long drive through the country side to the beach

Marta's new kitchen cabinets in progress

Charlie working on Marta's "honey do list" for the kitchen

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So, I wasn't going to blog -- I didn't think I was going to have much to say. Boy, was I wrong. The trip is winding down, so I figured I better get on here while I can. We saw some serious poverty today, not like anything we've seen so far. This place was rough. I've stayed steady not showing too much emotion (you know, for the kids...not my masculinity), but after today it's hard not to feel for these people.

The kids at the orphanage are awesome. But in all honesty, they have it good compared to most of what we've seen in the surrounding sects of the city. Every day you can see a little of us rub off on them (I taught one kid to say "Mark is a doofus" and led a push-up contest -- which I dominated...obviously). The boys love to rough house, which is right in my alley, and the girls have been trying to braid my moderately short hair all week. It's been fun, but it's taking a toll on me. I'll be going back to my comfortable living situations and cozy desk job and leaving them here with next to nothing. So, what do I do? Leave them my hat and my size 12 Nike's?

We got to sit in at their church service today, which was absolutely riveting. The place was packed with the most joyous faces -- young and old. The service was almost all music and the whole congregation got into it. I've been to various different churches and denominations, however I've never experienced anything like this. After the service people were coming up and thanking us for helping...and it honestly felt like I could have done much more and only tapped the surfaces of my resources. I feel guilty about that, but there will most definitely be a next time. I will be more prepared.

It's tough. We helped pour concrete and move desks into the school -- which was laborious, don't get me wrong -- but it was so minimal compared to what we could have done. They just don't have the resources and tools. What we could have done in the US in a day took three. The technology is just not here. And yet, Pastor Rigaud was so happy. His face lit up after he saw the work. I guess that's good for us, but much has been left on the table.

I figured with all the manual labor (oh, and it was hard labor) and poor "diet", I would be hurting everyday. This was not the case. The food was terrific, they even made us some mac-n-cheese that was absolutely delish. I'm 100% positive God gave me the strength and stamina to pass bricks over my head for hours in 90+ degree heat (insert me mentioning my wicked sunburn here). Also, the humidity at night, along with the 24/7 Pentacostal church right outside our window -- I didn't think I would last through the week. Not going to lie, I feel guilty eating the food that's prepared for us, when many outside the orphanage walls go hungry. Tough spot to be in.

I will admit, leading up to this trip, I was skeptical about tagging along. I've never done anything like this and frankly I didn't think I ever would. I figured I could donate from the comfort of my home computer or toss something into the offering plate if I felt moved to do so. But, this is an experience I will never forget and I really hope we made at least a tiny impression on the
people here. Even if it's just to let them know that there are people out there willing to help and they aren't in this mess all by themselves. And this place is a mess.

I have noticed how much a take for granted. I haven't thought about watching TV or sports or the Facebook social networks at all this week. I've been online maybe twice here, just to catch up on some birthdays and current events. This is coming from a guy that probably spends 10 hours a day in front of a computer at work and living and dying with my Boston sports teams. This place puts everything in perspective and makes you cherish what is really important in life. And I have too much unnecessary crap in mine. Time to start trimming the fat (hah, literally too) in my life.

The one thing I wonder is if things can ever change here. I honestly doubt it, and that's a shame. It seems to stem from the government (I don't know the historical background, but from what I gather it's pretty corrupt) and trickles down into the ghettos. I know sponsoring a kid will open up opportunities...but my heart breaks for these kids. They can't stay one should be subject to this. Most people seem genuinely happy, but that's probably because they see us American's and hope we bring some of our fortunes with us. Maybe they smile because they see us and they see hope. Hope for a better tomorrow.

Anyways, I am truly blessed. I realize this. It's just a shame that it took till now.

~Matt D.

best birthday ever (papa shey la)

yesterday was tiring, but it ended with the best birthday surprise i could have ever imagined. we began the day by taking a trip to the baptist haiti mission. it seems to be a tourist attraction. the sights were beautiful on top of the mountain, but the ride there was a bit grueling. after doing a little bargain shopping, we went over to a lookout point called Boutylier at the top of the mountain that gave us a beautiful view of puerto prince, the ocean and the mountains.

we got back to the orphanage around 5:45, all a bit tired from the day of travel. dinner was amazing as usual, and as soon as we were done the kids started to assemble. i thought they were going to sing some worship songs for us, but instead they started singing happy birthday to me. it was amazing. jen and karen had organized it. then i was given a book of haitian proverbs that i had looked at when we were at the baptist haiti mission. doug had bought it for me because i said i thought it cost too much! everyone from the team signed it and jen got a bunch of the kids to sign their names as well. like i said, best birthday ever!

this morning, we went to church and i was given the incredible honor of preaching. it was a humbling and awe-inspiring experience. the people were filled with love for God and each other and they were incredibly warm in their reception of all of us.

this afternoon we took a trip to la saline (in port au prince) to feed about 150 children in the neighborhood. it is apparently the poorest area in the city. we witnessed a large section where mud pies (literal mud pies) were being made, and then walked into a tent where 6 children slept. we were informed by pastor rigaud that it often floods about 3 feet high in the tent when there is rain! we then proceeded to serve the chicken and rice that had been cooked in the village. before serving the food, the pastor of the little village church led the children in prayer and then sang "count your blessings." hearing that familiar song was particularly moving for me. i will never sing it again with the same feeling.

i'm glad we were able to go to la saline because it seems, as pastor rigaud has told us, to have been forgotten by many. this is one place that i will be sure to spread the word about when i get back to the states. these people are lucky if they eat one full meal a day!

all in all, these past two days have been some of the most moving and impactful in all of my life. God is doing incredible things here in haiti and i am honored to be a part of this team of friends who love God and people as they love themselves.


We fed 150 children a meal and they each received a toothbrush and toothpaste

La Saline, one of the poorest parts of Port au Prince

La Saline mud pies made out of dirt, butter, & water to ease hunger pains

Chuch shoes

Esther & sue

The KKO girls sang at the service

Dave preached at church this am, over 1500 people in attendance

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Karen Sat Day 7

Hello from Haiti!! I wanna start off by saying we are having a blast here, I am with the most amazing group of people... the work has been probably some of the hardest work I have ever done but the most rewarding and we are having a lot of laughs (usually at someone's expense) LOL Yesterday we worked on the roof of the school which is four stories high, we watched the Haitian workers mix the cement and one by one pass buckets up this really long ladder (that they made) up to the roof and then to us, then they lay the cement and use a long peace of wood to make the floor level. It is amazing to watch how they do things here. It was really hot, but they just keep on going. Being at the school everyday gave us the opportunity to meet a lot of the students that are not in the orphange we are staying at. They are so happy to talk to us, some of them speak English, some only a little. We are learning how to communicate through the ones that do speak English. They will translate for us so we can talk with the ones that we don't understand. We are learning some creole, it is so cool to watch them when we say things to them in their language, the love it. A lot of the kids that hang out at the school dont go there, you can see in some of the pics that there is a courtyard that they hang out in. They play soccer there, and hang out with their friends there. All of the kids that do not attend the school are so eager to help us with our work. One boy in particular has been there everyday, he is about 7 and his name Robertson. This kid is soooo cute, he has one tooth longer than the other and it is seriously adorable! He comes and works with us and does everything we do, he passes us the cement buckets, the cinder blocks, everything. He comes and gets in our line and he just wants to help. We felt so bad for him because he was wearing sandals that were half ripped so we got him some, it was the least we could do. We also made him a bag with some shirts and peanut butter and toothbrush/toothpaste...pretty much whatever we could find in the things that we brought. It's hard for us because we want to give these kids everything. There is no public school system, which absolutely boggles my mind, so if these kids don't get sponsored they don't go to school and basically roam around all day. Yesterday was our last work day, leaving that school and knowing that we probably won't see the kids that we have been with since we got here was really hard on a few of us. When we were leaving, a few of the kids and Robertson walked us all the way home, they were holding Amy and I's hands... I dont know if they sensed we were upset but it was a moment I will never forget. We cried the whole way and they just hugged us and were trying to say thank you and we will miss you, but the language barrier is hard. It seems like they get what were trying to say.

Today we went up to the mountains to the Baptist Mission, it has a bakery and a green house and a place where you can get American food and Ice cream. It was really nice to go up the mountains that we have been looking at all week, it was really cool up there too which was nice. Then we went to a spot that over looks all of Haiti, you can see the ocean and all the houses and tents. When we came back we played with the kids and had dinner. We then went to the supermarket. It was the most American looking thing we have seen the whole time we were here, except for the guards outside. It was nice to see more of Haiti then the villages we have been in. When we got back we had dinner. I am shocked to say that I have probably gained weight here.... I thought I would be losing it because of all the work, and I had a preconceived idea that the food would be bad. It is the total opposite, the food is delicious! We asked the women if they could make a cake because today is Dave's 30th Bday! They made the best chocolate cake and we got ice cream at the store. The women here also set up a little show for us. They got the kids into the dining hall and they all sang Happy Birthday to Dave, it was one of the best things I have seen. They sang in creole and in English and then they sang "Here I am to Worship" as well. I can't imagine a better way to celebrate a birthday, but I'll let Dave tell you about that. They also wrote all their names in a book that Doug ( one of the leaders) bought him at the Mission. It was so cute to see them all write their names! I can't say enough about how adorable and loving these kids are. They take care of eachother and share everything. The babies are so cute too. I got to hang out with Pastor Rigo today because I drove in one of the trucks with him, he is so amazing. This guy does everything for these kids, he takes them in and gives them a life that is a million times better than what they would have with out him. He is just a beautiful person, light just pours out of him. You can just see the love of Jesus in his face. We see him all the time at the orphanage and the kids just love him. Tomorrow we have church, dave is preaching. Then we go La Saline, one of the poorest places here, we will be feeding them and giving them water. Please pray for us because we are told that what we have seen is nothing compared to what we will see there. I am sort of all over the place tonight so sorry for that. I am trying to fit a million things into a few paragraphs. I am having the best experience here, but it is also really hard and really depressing. I am not sure if I am processing everything but being with these kids everyday and watching how awesome they are is pretty much worth it. I love watching the guys with the kids, they are all over them and it is pretty special to watch. They just play with them, and let them climb all over them, play with their hair, hold the babies. We have so many picks and can't wait to share them when we get home.
Love you guys and miss my man Cam! XOOXOXOXOXOOX

Crazy cake and ice cream for all the kids and staff

Happy 30th birthday Dave, we celebrated Haitian style with songs and crazy cake

Candy anyone??

Details of Haiti

Electricity wires hanging down over the road


Special treat for lunch!

Colorful paintings at the Baptist Mission at the top of the mountain

Port au Prince

Team photo with port au prince in the background

Up in the mountains today

Friday, March 11, 2011

Jen's two part blog: About our day and Two Left Feet

About Our Day
What a day! we arrived at the worksite early to beat the heat and ended up doing a lot of sitting around until the concrete workers began mixing. A couple of us team memebers were feeling nauseous and it was touch and go at times. I learned that I had to work through it to distract myself from how sick I felt. The system of pouring concrete is like something out of the dark ages. We were laying concrete on the roof of the school. The team of mason workers set up a forty foot wooden ladder and each stood on a rung. Then a small motorized concrete mixer produced wet cement and sent the concrete up in small buckets up the ladder to us. We had two lines, one with the full buckets and one with the emptys. Then the empty buckets were sent down a rope and one of our team members caught the buckets on the ground and the process started all over again.

Two Left Feet
Robertson has been with us every day on the worksite. He is a skinny 7 or 8 year old boy with a huge snaggle-tooth. He has helped us all along the way with whatever task we have had. Yesterday we noticed that he had two left sandals on, one of them falling apart. On the way home we stopped and bought him a new pair of sandals and gave them to him today. After that he was teased by the school kids and they wanted him to leave. We kept him close to us and he heaved concrete with his bare hands next to us. At one point I was at the foot of the ladder catching the empty concrete buckets and got hit by two buckets as they came down. I got concrete all over me and was trying to get it off before it burned. All of a sudden Robertson comes running at me and starts pouring his bag of fresh water on my arms and legs. He took his shirt off and started wiping the concrete off my legs. This water was given to him by the forman for his hard work and was probably the only water he would get the whole day we worked. I started crying as he helped me. This little boy gave my the best gift that anyone has ever given me. I will never forget his sacrifice.

Jackson and Melissa

Break time

Rooftops around the school

3 stories- up we poured a cement floor today

The team before the cement pour